Sunday, January 30, 2011


It was like just Happy New Year and now we are coming to the end on Jan and a couple of days left for Lunar New Year. It have been a busy January, Had D&D on Wednesday 26/01/11 and it was an awesome get together with everyone from different teams. Good prizes for the draw did sadly won nothing. Well you can't be lucky always right.. Everything went well and the worse part is knowing you got to wake up early in the morning for work the next morning. That Really Sucked.

On Friday 28/1/11 it was a very long day as i got to report early to work to go for my ORD test shoot. Awesome feeling hearing the work ORD! What is it compared to POP. Not a marksman but passed and can carry a firearm is all that matters. It was another awesome feeling going back to HTA after a year plus and when u see the rest and u just go ORD O! Came back to station and had to work at night and honestly it was a fun filled night with lots of things going on... Worked hard for the week and was partying harder last night.!! Before i go let me tell you all something short.

Its an awesome weather, those who got plans to go out just cancel it and stay home and have a family time. Sometimes that's all you need after a long week!! L()V3 :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

tough, rough day

It have been a pretty bad day from me. Very tough, rough and rocky. Things which leaded to misunderstanding and sometimes you just feel that why is it my fault or even start thinking how come the argument is so huge? Am i the cause of it? Today i was deep in thoughts and wonders. Am i the reason for what is happening? I do need to change if i am the reason. Even if its not my fault i do need to play my part for the better. Cause at the end of the day it takes 2 hands to clap and no one is perfect. If its my fault i am extremely sorry.

Another surprise was when i was about to end work, Holy Trinity called me and said they have a letter for me inviting me for dinner regarding altar servers when i use to serve last time. Somehow I was amazed what would it be and also excited to know what letter i could have possibly got.

It's 11:30 and i am wide awake(i know its still early) Cant wait for today to pass and to all, you all have heard of this saying, good things come to an end. But for now let Bad things come for the better good

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year(2011) 10/01/11

It have been an awesome 2010 with lots of up's and down's in everyone's life and in mine as well. There's alot of things that were so awesome and to be in line with it there were things which i was not looking forward to but in life u can't always be flying high. There's always a time where you got to be flying high so blindly that you have to drop and go like, damn I better wake up my ideas. Firstly I would like to wish one and all a Happy New Year and may your wishes, dreams, resolutions come true this year. My resolution is going to be very simple, because every time i make a resolution i just tend to like fuck it half way through or even before i start it. So i will just do the right things and will try not to screw up anywhere. Ya, also a very very small resolution i do have will be to keep my blog updated as it have been dead since a long time.

Also there's going to be a lot of my mini poems coming up this year and i do wish to have your full support and do drop me a comment. Its Monday, the 10th on January and its been a week since the new year and now lets look forward to the weekends. Good day one and all.