Sunday, May 4, 2008

11 years serving

My 11 years serving at the altar comes to an end today, I knew something like this is going to happen but was i ready for this day. Well its a no, i was not prepared and i did not see it coming so soon.. I was broken down, n being sacked as an altar server and also there were no proper reasons why am i sacked. All my life as an altar server was the best thing i can have ever asked for. Its everything that i wanted and its where i did belong. Went thick and thin together, good times and bad times, sharing happy moments and sad moments, basically its a family to me. Coming to know that i will never wear an cassock again is a nightmare. Would love to serve just 1 last mass if its possible. Being in the servers, we had to sacrifice our time and we all did it willingly and just loved being in church and around the boys.

From a 9 years old boy to a 20 years old guy, the servers taught me alot of things, i have been a Secretariat of the altar servers and had a wonderful time spend with the leaders and boys. Enjoyed Wednesday night meetings even thought it can be tough for some but we all came through together and it have been 1 for all and all for 1. Years went by and a group of old adults who call them self (PSG) came and took over the servers with the help of fr Johnson. They thought they could do a very good job compared to the badge of leaders who were working hard alongside the president and vice president at that time. They could not even bond with the boys. No boys for meeting and attendance for masses got worse. Its a society for young servers to grow together with their fellow servers and here u see the PSG coming and ordering us what to do and what not to. Its funny how you think adults came and think they are doing a better job than the boys. To me they were just a bunch of idiots who are power crazy. It does not matter to me if you hold a position or just being a server. What did matter alot is they screwed up every single thing that was going on the the altar servers and they are so happy that they are doing a really good job. I would blame them and the one who deserved to be blamed for every single thing will be fr Johnson, he's a liar, not a man of his word and of all the worst priest that i have ever seen in my life. PSG and Jonny u all can go and Fuck off.

I don't know what example they set for the boys but i am sure they do know that they cant run a group by them self and priest who are suppose to be role models are worse behaved than the PSG. I really hope that you all visit my bog and know what you all are doing is fucking screwed up. No balls to say that we did a good job and you all are not and Johnson himself have no balls and have a proper reason to sack us.

The remaining boys who are left, hope they would carry on serving and understand the full meaning of serving and do realise that they are serving for god and NO ONE ELSE. It was not long before that i really treasured my cassock. We will be there for the boys if they need help but its up to them if they want to carry on serving. For the older ones we can attend mass together and do what we always do.

For fr Johnson, I am not a fucking gay and i don't need a gal friend now to come for mass. I have my own dignity and that got nothing to do from serving mass. Ones again IT WAS YOU who stopped me from serving. It was your fucking decision. For the PSG and Fr Johnson you all have done what you all wanted and have accomplished on getting rid on the older boys.

If even i am called to a vocation to join the priesthood, you fr Johnson is sure to be a very good example and role model as i know there can be no one worse than u. Last but not least i am very upset and i really don't know what to do, but expected it was coming. Thanks Jonny.

If ever PSG or Father Johnson reads my blog, just fuck off from it. I am angry with a smile on my face fuckers.


Mark Tan said...

He can take away our servership,
but he cannot take away the times we have all shared.
I have already seen this coming and stepped down much earlier.
Valiant JJ fought all the way.

For that i salute.

A.J. said...

Let's put it this way, at least you were given that opportunity to have stayed in the servers for such a long long time. Because at the end of the day, that is something you can be damn proud off, and when the PSG and JOhnson crumbles this batch of new servers, at least you can say "Heck, at least I stayed way longer than ya'll suckers!" (the adults lah) And never forget that because all those years you served no one but God, he has got it written down in his lil book, so you do not have to worry about anyone forgettin what you have done as a server.
Just treasure all the memories and friendships you have forged, and cheer up!

baggins said...

hey i did a blog like that, i get 1 comment. Cut me deep. lol.

Anyway thambi, just keep on praying and be who you are. Remember, no one can tell you who you are or how to lead your life. Stay strong thambi.

doomed_troll said...

There is just one thing.
once you put on a cassock you never take it off.

Joseph said...

thanks guys, yes you never take it off.